Rider Waite Tarot

Rider Waite Tarot
The journey begins....

Monday, October 4, 2010

The High Priestess

This card represents the mysteries and the unknown world of the spiritual realm. She is the intuitive, mystical priestess that can tell you your destiny. This card reminds me of the high priestess at Delphi in Greece, that would sit and channel messages for the many who would make the pilgrimage to see her. High on the gases emitted from the earth she would tell their future.
When the high priestess appears in your reading, as it is a major arcana card, and comes immediately after the magician, it signifies spiritual messages or an awakening into this unknown world. Expect the next phase of life to involve a deeper understanding of what lies hidden behind the meaning of what is presented to you, seeing things from a deeper perspective.

The Magician

The Magician is the second card in the major arcana sequence, and represents the gifts we have and the ability to materialize them in the physical world. It is a very powerful card when it appears in the spread, and it indicates that what is unique to you in this life is being or about to become manifest in physical form as opposed to remaining an idea.I love this card as it validates for me our existence on the planet, for we are here to manifest our ideas and thoughts, and materialize them on earth.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The journey begins with the fool

The journey of the fool is an innocent one, a young child starts along the path of a new beginning, innocent and naive to what this new journey holds for him.
What is the lesson i am about to learn, what lies ahead for me, and where am i going on this journey.
What part of my soul am i about to discover now, and who am i, really??
So when reading this card in the layout, it means a new beginning or a new lesson.
This is the first card in the major arcana. The major arcana represent the meaning of our lives, what is the big picture, where am i going.